Cities of Making: CityReport

Adrian Vickery Hill, Josie Warden, Birgit Hausleitner, Victor Muñoz Sanz, Han Meyer, Ben Croxford, Teresa Domenech, Ben Dellot, Fabian Wallace-Stephens, Fabio Vanin, Alexandre Orban, Federico Gobatto, Alessandra Macron, Anouk Klapwijk, Lise Nakhlé, Laura Rebreanu

    Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific

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    Cities of making assesses the role and current state of manufacturing in three of Europe’s urban centres. Compiled by a consortium of partners in London, Brussels and Rotterdam it forms part of Cities of Making, a thirty-month programme exploring the future of urban based manufacturing in European cities. This report brings together insights about the current state of manufacturing in three European cities – Brussels, London and Rotterdam, each with a distinct industrial heritage. It aims to take a fresh and pragmatic look at the sector and in doing so highlight the challenges and opportunities faced in each of the cities, as well identifying potential for shared learning across the three.It identifies three key areas affecting the sector which warrant further investigation: governance and network models for supporting the sector; opportunities for harnessing resources and technology to develop more sustainable production; and spatial typologies for supporting modern urban manufacturing.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherCities of Making (CoM)
    Number of pages200
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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