Collaborative Housing for Chile: Approaching Multidimensional Housing Deficits

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Nowadays in Chile, the need for housing is growing rapidly (Ducci, 1997, 2006; Hidalgo et al., 2016; Sabatini et al., 2001; Vergara et al., 2019; Walter, 2016). Current housing challenges go beyond satisfying quantitative and qualitative deficits, but extend to deficits in the social dimension (Cortés Urra & Czischke, 2019) concerning for example social cohesion, solidarity (Bresson & Denèfle, 2015; Carriou, 2012; Chatterton, 2015; Czischke, 2018), reciprocal relationships, social capital, mutual help and community life (Lang et al., 2018).
Different studies developed around the world propose the re-conceptualization of Collaborative Housing (CH) as a collective housing alternative, led by (a group of) residents organised in combination with stakeholders (Fromm, 2012; Lang, Carriou, & Czischke, 2018), that among its drivers and features consider the aforementioned social issues, to address urgent issues in today's society (Czischke et al., 2020). CH initiatives are characterized by a high level of participation of society (Coudroy, 2015; Czischke, 2018; Fromm, 2012) and give local communities and residents the opportunity to produce their own housing with help of the third sector, non-profit organizations, NGOs, and community organizations (Fromm, 2012; Lang, Carriou, & Czischke, 2018). Currently, in Chile, as well as in Europe, we recognize the interest in developing collective initiatives such as co‐operatives and projects of "self-management" and "self-building". However, the scientific evidence showing whether CH initiatives have the capacity to solve part of the social deficit of housing has not been found before. Therefore, this paper seeks to determine the opportunities and shortcomings of CH forms when addressing the social housing deficit (as defined in this article).
The methods used are a Delphi method to survey a group of residents living in CH projects and global systematic literature review on the multidimensional (quantitative, qualitative, social) deficits of housing and on collaborative housing, where the literature is classified and categorized as either hypothetical, theoretical, or empirical evidence of the opportunities and limitations of Collaborative Housing to respond to social aspects of housing.
The initial results of the research are exploratory and form the hypothesis that CH could have advantages over the traditional Latin American housing model (e.g. Chilean model), since it considers social aspects of housing.
The relevance and impact of this article lie in the generation of scientific knowledge of the study of alternative forms of housing and the proposal of favourable future scenarios that contribute to the existing Chilean housing system and similar contexts around the globe.


ConferenceFourteenth International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research, ISTR 2021
Abbreviated titleISTR Conference 2021
Internet address


  • Collaborative housing
  • Housing deficits
  • Chile
  • Social deficit of housing


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