Comparing actions and lessons learned in transportation and logistics efforts for emergency response to hurricane Katrina and hurricane harvey

John Collier, Srijith Balakrishnan, Zhanmin Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Over the past years, the frequency and scope of disasters affecting the United States have significantly increased. Government agencies have made efforts in improving the nation's disaster response framework to minimize fatalities and economic loss due to disasters. Disaster response has evolved with the emergency management agencies incorporating systematic changes in their organization and emergency response functions to accommodate lessons learned from past disaster events. Technological advancements in disaster response have also improved the agencies' ability to prepare for and respond to natural hazards. The transportation and logistics sector has a primary role in emergency response during and after disasters. In this light, this paper seeks to identify how effective policy changes and new technology have aided the transportation and logistics sector in emergency response and identify gaps in current practices for further improvement. Specifically, this study compares and contrasts the transportation and logistical support to emergency relief efforts during and after two major Hurricane events in the U.S., namely Hurricane Katrina (which affected New Orleans in 2005) and Hurricane Harvey (which affected Houston in 2017). This comparison intends to outline the major steps taken by the government and the private entities in the transportation and logistics sector to facilitate emergency response and the issues faced during the process. Finally, the paper summarizes the lessons learned from both the Hurricane events and provides recommendations for further improvements in transportation and logistical support to disaster response.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Disaster resilience
  • Disaster response
  • Hurricane Harvey
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Infrastructure resilience
  • Transportation and logistics


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