Component method for bolted SHS end plate splice joints loaded in tension

Rui Yan*, Milan Veljkovic

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Bolted end plate connections are traditional solutions for splice joints with square hollow sections (SHS). A cover plate could be used on one side or two adjacent sides of SHS where the end plate is flushed, resulting in two types of asymmetric splice joints. The advantage of the asymmetric joints is that no space is required between the façade panel and the member surface whilst the easy assembly feature remains. The component method is used to design the bolted end plate connection, as stipulated in prEN 1993–1–8. However, the design rule is only available for connections with open cross-sections. In this paper, a modified component method for predicting the tensile resistance (end plate fails with failure mode 1 according to prEN 1993–1–8) and stiffness of the asymmetric bolted SHS end plate splice joints is proposed. First, a parametric study is carried out to develop the component method for the traditional symmetric bolted SHS end plate splices based on the validated finite element (FE) model. Next, a simplified two-dimensional FE model is employed to evaluate the effect of the asymmetric feature on the stiffness of the joint. Finally, a parametric study is carried out on two types of asymmetric joints to validate the interaction model of individual components. The resistance and stiffness of the asymmetric end plate splice joints are well predicted using the modified component method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105704
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Asymmetric joints
  • Bolted connection
  • Component method
  • Square hollow section
  • Yield line


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