Concepts for consultancy centres and pop-ups for the adoption of lowcarbon technologies by homeowners: Triple-A: Stimulating the Adoption of low-carbon technologies by home-owners through increased Awareness and easy Access

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Local authorities engaged in the Interreg 2 Seas project Triple-A aim to achieve a market acceleration in the owner-occupied single-family home renovation sector by increasing awareness of – and enabling access to – energy saving technologies. Various local authorities are considering using consultation centres and pop-up models (or pop-up centres) as additional opportunities to reach their goals and to improve their communication with homeowners. This report analyses the experiences and opportunities that various models of consultancy centres and pop-up models can offer to stimulate homeowners to adopt energy-saving technologies.
In the first place experiences of already existing consultancy centres and pop-ups in the four countries of the Triple-A partners were analysed (Belgium, France, The Netherlands, UK). The customer journey model (e.g. the process starting with creating awareness, providing information up to the execution of energy saving measures) was used as the framework to reflect on the needed activities in centres and related pop-ups. The various examples are described in a short, concise format and were chosen because they illustrate the wide range of possible pop-up concepts.
Secondly the specific needs and wishes of the Triple-A partners were assessed. Via a questionnaire the partners were asked how they intended to use consultation centres and pop-ups (e.g. what kind of information do they want to provide in what way, to what target group?) and what kind of model they had in mind (e.g. a more permanent centre or a temporary pop-up?). Workshops were organised (held in Antwerp on the 13th October 2017) with the LA’s to determine and specify their wishes on business model development not only to determine possible pop-up model concepts but also to address public-private cooperation in this field. As a further illustration and as sources of possible inspiration the business models of a few selected existing consultation centres were reviewed in depth (Woon+bus, Kyotomobiel and EcoHuis in Belgium and Reimarkt and ICDuBo in the Netherlands). These few selected case were chosen because they fitted in within the Triple-A business models that have been formulated at the beginning of the project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages77
EditionPublic version Deliverable D.3.1.1.
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2018

Bibliographical note

Project No. 2S02-029


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