Coulomb interactions in sharp tip pulsed photo field emitters

Ben Cook, Pieter Kruit

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)
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    Photofield emitters show great potential for many single electron pulsed applications. However, for the brightest pulses > 10 11 A / (m 2 sr V), our simulations show that Poisson statistics and stochastic Coulomb interactions limit the brightness and increase the energy spread even with an average of a single electron per pulse. For the systems, we study we find that the energy spread is probably the limiting factor for most applications.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number151901
    JournalApplied Physics Letters
    Issue number15
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2016


    • Field emitters
    • Poisson's equation
    • Brightness
    • Field emission
    • Schottky barriers


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