Coupling crystal plasticity and cellular automaton models to study meta-dynamic recrystallization during hot rolling at high strain rates

V. Shah*, K. Sedighiani, J. S. Van Dokkum, C. Bos, F. Roters, M. Diehl

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Predicting microstructure and (micro-)texture evolution during thermo-mechanical processing requires the combined simulation of plastic deformation and recrystallization. Here, a simulation approach based on the coupling of a full-field dislocation density based crystal plasticity model and a cellular automaton model is presented. A regridding/remeshing procedure is used to transfer data between the deformed mesh of the large-strain crystal plasticity model and the regular grid of the cellular automaton. Moreover, a physics based nucleation criterion has been developed based on dislocation density difference and changes in orientation due to deformation. The developed framework is used to study meta-dynamic recrystallization during double-hit compression tests and multi-stand rolling in high-resolution representative volume elements. These simulations reveal a good agreement with experimental results in terms of texture evolution, mechanical behaviour and growth kinetics, while enabling insights regarding the effect of nucleation on kinetics and crystallographic texture evolution.

Original languageEnglish
Article number143471
Number of pages16
JournalMaterials Science and Engineering A
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Full-field simulation
  • Large deformation
  • Microstructure evolution
  • Multi-physics
  • Regridding/remeshing
  • Steel


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