Creating drafts in urban settings through coloured façades: Exploring a new climate adaptation measure based on thermal stratification

Laura Kleerekoper*, Andy van den Dobbelsteen, Eric van den Ham, Truus Hordijk, Craig Martin

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Climate change will lead to more warm and hot days in the Netherlands. Climate adaptation measures are needed to reduce the vulnerability of urban areas. Moreover, proven adaptation measures, such as increased vegetated areas or water surfaces, are not always possible due to a lack of space or undesired aesthetic effects. An alternative option is to make use of coloured façades to create drafts and accelerate wind speed in a street canyon or on a square to attract fresh air from cooler places. Differences in colour and material types already influence the air flow in street canyons in an uncontrolled manner. If this thermal comfort principle can be implemented, it will potentially have a significant impact on many cities throughout the world. This paper presents the results of a first exploratory research based on measurements on scale models and at full scale. This pilot study indicates success of the intended draft principle, advocating further research.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)290-300
JournalUrban Climate
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Climate adaptation
  • UHI
  • Urban design
  • Urban ventilation


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