Current surveying strategies in ports with fluid mud layers

Alex Kirichek, Ronald Rutgers, Karoune Nipius, Nino Ohle, Herman Meijer, Joop Smits

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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This paper provides a new insight into the surveying strategies that are used (or can be potentially used) in ports and waterways with fluid mud layers. The combination of acoustic methods with other methods, which are based on the density or on the shear strength measurements, is discussed. In particular, the measurements by the DensX, the Rheotune, the Graviprobe and the Rheocable are presented Due to the complexity of mud, the strength of mud exhibits a non-linear relationship with the density due to the thixotropic behaviour (deformation, history and time dependence). Therefore, sampling and measuring procedures, followed by data processing and interpretation of the measurements, have to be standardized by means of recognized practical protocols. In-situ measuring tools are available for characterizing the behaviour of fluid mud. Based on our observations, we can conclude that the new surveying strategies can be potentially developed in the ports and waterways with fluid mud layers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Hydro18 Conference and Trade Exhibition
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventHydro18 Conference and Trade Exhibition: The Climate for Change – Hydrography in the 21st Century - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 30 Oct 20181 Nov 2018


ConferenceHydro18 Conference and Trade Exhibition
Abbreviated titleHydro18
Internet address


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