Data-driven spatiotemporal assessment of the event-size distribution of the Groningen extraction-induced seismicity catalogue

A. G. Muntendam-Bos*, N. Grobbe

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For induced seismicity, the non-stationary, heterogeneous character of subsurface stress perturbations can be a source of spatiotemporal variations in the scaling of event sizes; one of the critical parameters controlling seismic hazard and risk. We demonstrate and test a systematic, statistical, penalized-likelihood approach to analysing both spatial and temporal variations in event size distributions. The methodology used is transferable to the risk analysis of any subsurface operation, especially for small earthquake catalogues. We explore the whole solution space and circumvent conventional, arbitrary choices that require a priori knowledge of these variations. We assess the effect of possible bias in the derivation, e.g., due to tapering of the earthquake-size distribution, correlation between the b-value and the magnitude of completeness and correlation between the b-value and the largest magnitude observed. We analyse the spatiotemporal variations in the earthquake-size distribution of the Groningen induced seismicity catalogue (December 1991–November 16, 2021). We find statistically significant spatial variations without any compelling, statistical evidence of a temporal variation. Furthermore, we find that the largest magnitudes observed are inconsistent with the sampling statistics of an unconstrained earthquake-size distribution. Current risk assessment models likely overestimate the probability of larger magnitude events (M ≥ 3.0) and thus the risk posed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10119
Number of pages11
JournalScientific Reports
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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