Dataset of a thermal model for the prediction of temperature fields during the creation of austenite/martensite mesostructured materials by localized laser treatments in a Fe-Ni-C alloy

H. J. Breukelman, M. J. Santofimia, J. Hidalgo*

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This work presents constitutive equations and a dataset of a thermal model for the prediction of temperature fields and heating rates during the application of localized laser treatments to a Fe-C-Ni alloy. The model considers transient material properties and the coupling between temperature and microstructure, with emphasis on the phase dependence of the thermal parameters and the hysteresis in the phase change. The model can predict temperature fields that are in agreement with the experimental microstructures at the laser-affected zones. This model can be applied to other materials exhibiting solid-state transformations upon the application of laser treatments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109110
Number of pages10
JournalData in Brief
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Flash heating
  • Local heat treatment
  • Modelling temperature field
  • Steel


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