Definition of a benchmark for low Reynolds number propeller aeroacoustics

Damiano Casalino, Edoardo Grande*, Gianluca Romani, Daniele Ragni, Francesco Avallone

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Experimental and numerical results of a propeller of 0.3 m diameter operated at 5000 RPM and axial velocity ranging from 0 to 20 m/s and advance ratio ranging from 0 to 0.8 are presented as a preliminary step towards the definition of a benchmark configuration for low Reynolds number propeller aeroacoustics. The corresponding rotational tip Mach number is 0.23 and the Reynolds number based on the blade sectional chord and flow velocity varies from about 46000 to 106000 in the operational domain and in the 30% to 100% blade radial range. Force and noise measurements carried out in a low-speed semi-anechoic wind-tunnel are compared to scale-resolved CFD and low-fidelity numerical predictions. Results identify the experimental and numerical challenges of the benchmark and the relevance of fundamental research questions related to transition and other low Reynolds number effects.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106707
JournalAerospace Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Aeroacoustic benchmark
  • BEMT
  • LBM
  • Low Reynolds number propeller
  • PowerFLOW
  • Propeller noise


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