Degradation study of a reversible solid oxide cell (rSOC) short stack using distribution of relaxation times (DRT) analysis

Suhas Niggehalli Sampathkumar*, Philippe Aubin, Karine Couturier, Xiufu Sun, Bhaskar Reddy Sudireddy, Stefan Diethelm, Mar Pérez-Fortes, Jan van Herle

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Reversible solid oxide cells (rSOC) can convert excess electricity to valuable fuels in electrolysis cell mode (SOEC) and reverse the reaction in fuel cell mode (SOFC). In this work, a five – cell rSOC short stack, integrating fuel electrode (Ni-YSZ) supported solid oxide cells (Ni-YSZ || YSZ | CGO || LSC-CGO) with an active area of 100 cm2, is tested for cyclic durability. The fuel electrode gases of H2/N2:50/50 and H2/H2O:20/80 in SOFC and SOEC mode, respectively, are used during the 35 reversible operations. The voltage degradation of the rSOC is 1.64% kh−1 and 0.65% kh−1 in SOFC and SOEC mode, respectively, with fuel and steam utilisation of 52%. The post-cycle steady-state SOEC degradation of 0.74% kh−1 suggests improved lifetime during rSOC conditions. The distribution of relaxation times (DRT) analysis suggests charge transfer through the fuel electrode is responsible for the observed degradation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10175-10193
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Reversible solid oxide cell
  • rSOC
  • Distribution of relaxation times
  • DRT
  • rSOC degradation


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