Delft Lectures on Architectural Design 2017/2018

Susanne Komossa (Editor), Esther Gramsbergen (Editor), Eirene Schreurs (Editor), Lidwine Spoormans (Editor), Hans Teerds (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook editingProfessional

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The idea of this lecture series is to enable various full professors, associate professors and researchers to present their positions held in architectural design within the faculty’s master track in architecture. Next to their collaboration in the actual lectures, the faculty staff each has handed in a contribution to this reader, in which the lecturers reflect upon both contemporary key problems within the field of architecture, and/or their own sources of inspiration and illumination.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDelft
PublisherTU Delft OPEN Publishing
Number of pages336
EditionRevised and updated
ISBN (Print)978-9461865861
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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