This deliverable contains the output of the activities performed for Task 4.3 “Guidelines on integrated traffic management architectures for safe and optimised moving-block operations” of the EC Shift2Rail PERFORMINGRAIL project. A real-time model for Moving Block traffic conflict detection and resolution is mathematically specified based on the formulation introduced in Deliverable D4.1. A mathematical formulation of the RECIFE-MILP rescheduling tool extended for Moving Block rail operations is reported together with a detailed description of the objective function and constraints. The proposed MB traffic conflict detection and resolution model is then verified for a given network layout and compared to the original RECIFE-MILP formulation for fixed-block to assess modelling and performance impacts of introduced MB constraints. A validation has successively investigated the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed MB traffic management algorithm by testing it on two real railway networks in France (Gonesse junction and a portion on the Paris-Le Havre line) for different traffic scenarios. The validation experiment shows that with respect to fixed-block, Moving block can reduce delay propagation especially: i) for junctions where trains are not stopping, ii) in denser peak-hour traffic and iii) when train rerouting decisions are taken.
A detailed description is the provided for the early-warning MB hazard prediction modules introduced in PERFORMINGRAIL Deliverable D4.1. A specification of input/output data and main functionalities is reported together with practical examples illustrating the usefulness of those modules in mitigating potential MB safety risks in the short and medium term.
A functional TMS architecture is then defined for a safe and optimised real-time management of MB traffic operations. Guidelines are outlined for the different functional TMS modules, specifying input/output data, main functionalities and interactions with other components within and without the TMS.
A set of recommendations is eventually provided to support both science and the industry in further development and implementation of functional modules and an advanced TMS architecture for MB rail traffic. Recommendations particularly refer to novel modules introduced in PERFORMINGRAIL, namely the MB conflict detection and resolution and the early-warning MB hazard prediction models. In addition, indications are given for further development and practical implementation of the proposed functional TMS architecture for safe and optimised MB railway operations. The main highlighted points regard the need of interfacing current Traffic Monitoring systems with satellite-based train location systems as the removal of track-side train detection will compromise the use of existing train describers. That also leads to then necessity of the TMS architecture to include proposed modules for early-warning hazard prediction to mitigate safety risks which can arise for MB in locations with compromised GNSS or GSM-R signal availability. Another essential recommendation refers to data interface standardisation to enable seamless communication among functional modules within the TMS and with external supporting systems.
A detailed description is the provided for the early-warning MB hazard prediction modules introduced in PERFORMINGRAIL Deliverable D4.1. A specification of input/output data and main functionalities is reported together with practical examples illustrating the usefulness of those modules in mitigating potential MB safety risks in the short and medium term.
A functional TMS architecture is then defined for a safe and optimised real-time management of MB traffic operations. Guidelines are outlined for the different functional TMS modules, specifying input/output data, main functionalities and interactions with other components within and without the TMS.
A set of recommendations is eventually provided to support both science and the industry in further development and implementation of functional modules and an advanced TMS architecture for MB rail traffic. Recommendations particularly refer to novel modules introduced in PERFORMINGRAIL, namely the MB conflict detection and resolution and the early-warning MB hazard prediction models. In addition, indications are given for further development and practical implementation of the proposed functional TMS architecture for safe and optimised MB railway operations. The main highlighted points regard the need of interfacing current Traffic Monitoring systems with satellite-based train location systems as the removal of track-side train detection will compromise the use of existing train describers. That also leads to then necessity of the TMS architecture to include proposed modules for early-warning hazard prediction to mitigate safety risks which can arise for MB in locations with compromised GNSS or GSM-R signal availability. Another essential recommendation refers to data interface standardisation to enable seamless communication among functional modules within the TMS and with external supporting systems.
Original language | English |
Publisher | European Commission |
Number of pages | 50 |
Publication status | Published - 2023 |