Deterministic Integration of hBN Emitter in Silicon Nitride Photonic Waveguide

Ali W. Elshaari*, Anas Skalli, Samuel Gyger, Martin Nurizzo, Lucas Schweickert, Iman Esmaeil Zadeh, Mikael Svedendahl, Stephan Steinhauer, Val Zwiller

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Hybrid integration provides an important avenue for incorporating atom-like solid-state single-photon emitters into photonic platforms that possess no optically-active transitions. Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) is particularly interesting quantum emitter for hybrid integration, as it provides a route for room-temperature quantum photonic technologies, coupled with its robustness and straightforward activation. Despite the recent progress of integrating hBN emitters in photonic waveguides, a deterministic, site-controlled process remains elusive. Here, the integration of selected hBN emitter in silicon nitride waveguide is demonstrated. A small misalignment angle of 4° is shown between the emission-dipole orientation and the waveguide propagation direction. The integrated emitter maintains high single-photon purity despite subsequent encapsulation and nanofabrication steps, delivering quantum light with zero delay second order correlation function (Formula presented.). The results provide an important step toward deterministic, large scale, quantum photonic circuits at room temperature using atom-like single-photon emitters.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2100032
Number of pages9
JournalAdvanced Quantum Technologies
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • deterministic integration
  • hBN emitters
  • hexagonal boron nitride
  • hybrid quantum photonics
  • silicon nitride
  • single photons
  • waveguides


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