Drag and Attitude Control for the Next Generation Gravity Mission

Stefano Cesare, Sabrina Dionisio, Massimiliano Saponara, David Bravo-Berguño, Luca Massotti, J. De Teixeira Da Encarnação, Bruno Christophe

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The Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM), currently in a feasibility study phase as a candidate Mission of Opportunity for ESA-NASA cooperation in the frame of the Mass Change and Geo-Sciences International Constellation (MAGIC), is designed to monitor mass transport in the Earth system by its variable gravity signature with increased spatial and temporal resolution. The NGGM will be composed by a constellation of two pairs of satellites, each providing the measurement of two quantities from which the map of Earth’s gravity field will be obtained: the variation of the distance between two satellites of each pair, measured by a laser interferometer with nanometer precision; and the relative non-gravitational acceleration between the centers of mass of each satellite pair, measured by ultra-sensitive accelerometers. This article highlights the importance of the second “observable” in the reconstruction of the lower harmonics of Earth’s gravity field, by highlighting the tight control requirements in linear and angular accelerations and angular rates, and the expectable performances from the drag-free, attitude, and orbit control system (DFAOCS) obtained through an end-to-end (E2E) simulator. The errors resulting from different mission scenarios with varying levels of drag-free control and pointing accuracy are then presented, demonstrating that a high-performance accelerometer alone is not sufficient to achieve the measurement quality necessary to achieve the mission objectives, if the spacecraft does not provide to this sensor a suitable drag-free environment and a precise and stable pointing. The consequences of these different mission scenarios on the gravity field retrieval accuracy, especially for the lower spherical harmonic degrees, are computed in order to quantitatively justify the rationale for these capabilities on the NGGM spacecraft.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2916
Number of pages26
JournalRemote Sensing
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • gravity field recovery
  • satellite-to-satellite tracking
  • non-gravitational acceleration measurement
  • drag-free control


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