Effect of residual stress redistribution and weld reinforcement geometry on fatigue crack growth of butt welded joints

Amir Reza Shahani*, Iman Shakeri, Calvin David Rans

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Redistribution of residual stress during crack growth in butt welded joint of Al5083-H111 was studied. Furthermore, the effect of post weld heat treatment and removing the weld reinforcements on fatigue crack growth rate was investigated. Three dimensional simulations of welding process and fatigue crack growth were conducted. It was shown that removing the weld reinforcements causes an increase in the residual stress. A correlation between the fatigue crack growth rate data of welded joints can be obtained with that of the parent metal by considering the weld geometry and redistribution of residual stresses in calculation of stress intensity factor.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105780
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Fatigue
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • Fatigue crack growth
  • Residual stress redistribution
  • Stress intensity factor
  • Weld reinforcement geometry
  • Welded joint


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