Effect of Surfactant Concentration on Foam: From Coreflood Experiments to Implicit-Texture Foam-Model Parameters

Sian Jones, G. Laskaris, Sebastien Vincent-Bonnieu, Rouhi Farajzadeh, Bill Rossen

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We present a comparative study of foam coreflood experiments with various surfactant concentrations. Plots of apparent viscosity vs. injected gas fraction were obtained for surfactant concentrations at the critical micelle concentration and above. Bulk foam stability was measured for all concentrations and compared with the coreflood results. There were different responses to surfactant concentration in bulk and in corefloods. The coreflood results were matched with an implicit-texture foam model, and the dependency of the model parameters on the surfactant concentration is discussed. Fitting the data requires relating the surfactant concentration to the dry-out function or the limiting capillary pressure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)268-276
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Enhanced oil recovery
  • Foam
  • Core flood
  • Implicit-texture foam model
  • Surfactant concentration


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