Electrical Architecture of 90-seater Electric Aircraft: A Cable Perspective

Ruochen Guo, Jianning Dong, Rob E. Wolleswinkel, Reynard De Vries, Mohamad Ghaffarian Niasar*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Optimized power system architectures and lighter weight are enabling considerations for the successful development of all-electric aircraft (AEA). In this article, a cross-redundant connection architecture and weight reduction solutions are investigated for a 90-seater full battery-electric aircraft from the perspective of high-power aviation cable. Design criteria of the power system architecture are introduced. Material selection, sizing, and weight estimation methods of cable for AEA are discussed by combining ground cable standards with aviation requirements. The influence of the conductor materials, voltage level, current, battery pack quantity, and operating temperature on cable evaluation is thoroughly discussed and analyzed. Weight comparison under two controversial voltage level options (800V and 3kV) is conducted. Comparison results show that the utilization of an aluminum conductor, PTFE insulator, and a voltage level of 3kV proves to be a preferable selection for current AEA medium and high voltage cables. Increasing the rating operation temperature to 120°C is a conservative and secure option. The layout of battery packs consistent with the quantity of distributed electric motors is preferable to achieve the lightest cabling system. This study provides a guideline for the cable sizing methods of high-power aviation cables and an optimized design solution for the power system architecture of AEA from the perspective of cable layout and weight assessment.

Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2024


  • All-electric aircraft (AEA)
  • aviation cable
  • cable weight estimation
  • direct current power architecture
  • electric power system


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