Employee Perspectives on Risk Management in a Construction Company

Önder Ökmen*, Martijn Leijten, Theodora Strattona, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker

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In addition to the tools and techniques available, project risk management also depends on the attitudes of people in an organisation, how the available tools are used, and how the procedures are followed. Therefore, efforts to improve the project risk management capacity of organisations may fail if the diversity of people (characters, traits etc.) involved is neglected. Based on this argument, the aim of this study is to demonstrate that companies can improve project risk management using the perspectives of their key experts. In this context, an approach was proposed based on Q-Methodology and a case study has been conducted in a construction company in the Netherlands. The quantitative output obtained through Q-Methodology application was evaluated in conjunction with the qualitative data gathered from interviews conducted with the managers of different units within the company. As a result of this evaluation, three common perspectives were identified among the respondents under the names of ‘Experience and Belief’, ‘Procedures and Management’ and ‘Culture and Communication’, respectively. Then, a number of recommendations were made to the company. First, customized management approaches that integrate and balance the identified perspectives should be adopted. Second, a mature organisational risk management culture should be promoted. Project charters that specifically target risk management culture in projects can be used for this purpose. Third, risk management should be integrated into other activities, making it a normal part of employees’ daily work. Finally, but not exclusively, the employees should be instructed on the use of risk registers and guidance should be put in place on how often they are expected to update the risk registers. This study demonstrates the benefit of considering employee diversity and leveraging perspectives in unlocking the potential of construction companies in terms of project risk management.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)404-422
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Risk Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • construction companies
  • critical success factors
  • Netherlands
  • Project risk management
  • Q-Methodology


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