Energy citizenship for inclusive decarbonization: A transdisciplinary framework for creating transformation knowledge

B.J. Pearce*, J. Lieu, Vassilis Stavrakas, Ilias Tsopelas, Anastasia Ioannou, Niall Dunphy, Georgios Xexakis, Gioia Falcone, Michael Brenner-Fliesser, Stephan Schwarzinger, Malgorzata Matowska, Christina Protopapdaki, Alexandros Flamos

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Achieving the European Union’s vision of climate neutrality by 2050 dictates the need to transform the role that citizens can play in decarbonizing the energy system. Yet, “which citizens to involve in this process,” “when to involve them,” and “how to do so fairly and effectively,” are questions that still remain unclear to both experts and policymakers. Energy citizenship has been discussed as a concept that has the potential to galvanize the public for the energy transition. This potential has yet to be fulfilled, as there is a need to connect theory and concepts to the realities, challenges, and opportunities of the lives of citizens, under diverse circumstances. In this perspective, we argue that the concept of energy citizenship and its potential for contributing to low carbon transitions should be studied within a research framework that aims to produce transformative knowledge. We also introduce such a new transdisciplinary framework for creating transformative knowledge to explore and address questions relevant to the concept of energy citizenship. Our framework aims to produce knowledge that can be used to mobilize decarbonization actions for both individuals and collectives, by: (i). integrating different scales of analysis and action, i.e., at individual, collective, and national/ regional/ global levels, (ii). reconceptualizing the role of research and researchers, and finally, (iii). striving to be inclusive in a meaningful and innovative way.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventEuropean Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Eu-SPRI Forum) - Utrecht, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Jun 20223 Jun 2022


ConferenceEuropean Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (Eu-SPRI Forum)
Abbreviated titleEu-SPRI 2022
Internet address


  • Energy citizenship
  • Transdisciplinarity
  • Energy transition
  • Social innovations
  • Decarbonization
  • Inclusive energy


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