Evaluating the sustainability of scenarios for port city development with Boussole21 method

Amira Ghennaï, Said Madani, C.M. Hein*

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This research aims to evaluate the sustainability of urban strategies in Skikda, a prehistoric, ancient, and Mediterranean port city of northeastern Algeria, known as by the Punic name Russicade. The port city of Skikda shows a diverse landscape of heritage sites and the industrial reality of a city, rich by its under-exploited cultural and tourist capacities. Nevertheless, the industrial port activities of the petrochemical refinery impose a state of urban vulnerability for the inhabitants and built, landscape, and natural heritage. The use of the open software Boussole21 of the "Smart" trend as a qualitative method allows assessment of decisions by the actors. The sustainability assessment (findings) shows that smart thinking contributes to the development of port performance and competitiveness in the international context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)87-106
Number of pages20
JournalEnvironment Systems and Decisions
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Smart port cities
  • Assessment
  • Sustainability
  • Boussole21
  • Skikda
  • Algeria


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