Evaluation of different formulations to optimally locate sensors in sewer systems

Bijit Kumar Banik*, Leonardo Alfonso, Cristiana Di Cristo, Angelo Leopardi, Arthur Mynett

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37 Citations (Scopus)


Efficient management of a sewer system includes the control of the conveyed wastewater quality to adequately operate treatment plants and protect the receiving water bodies. Moreover, these systems are vulnerable to either accidental spills or intentional unauthorized discharges. To properly manage them, a limited number of sensors could be placed at different locations to monitor the water quality. In this paper, multiobjective and single-objective optimization procedures to optimally locate sensors in sewer systems are proposed, tested, and compared. The multiobjective procedures include objective functions related to information theory (IT procedure), detection time and reliability (DR procedure), and a combination of them (IT_DR procedure). The single-objective procedures include a greedy-based objective function (GR procedure) and a merged objective function (DR_IT_GR procedure). The procedures show a similar performance when applied on a small network, whereas in a real system, the results show that (1) the IT-based method can be effectively used as a filtering technique(2) the DR_IT_GR procedure outperforms the other multiobjective onesand (3) the GR procedure is very efficient in finding the Pareto extreme solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04017026
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2017


  • Illicit intrusion
  • Information theory
  • Optimization
  • Sensors
  • Sewers


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