Experimental and numerical simulation of thermography for detection of disbond in repaired aluminum by composite patch

M. Moradi, Mir Saeed Safizadeh*

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The replacement of damaged components is not affordable in important structures such as aircraft, ship or gas pipelines. So, the repair of a defective structure is an acceptable process. Composite patches are used to repair the damaged metal and composite structures in different industries, especially the aerospace industry. Assessment of the repaired structure is a challenging topic in order to ensure the restoration. The thermography technique is one of the most powerful non-destructive testing methods that is used to survey the repaired structures. In the present study, the defects of the de-bonding type between the based aluminum structure and the carbon/epoxy patch made by 4 layers with layup configuration [04] have been investigated by step heating thermography method. Defects locate close to the patch edges because it is more likely that debond onset in a repaired structure at edges in practice. Furthermore, detection of the edge defects is more difficult than the middle defects because of edge effects. The step heating thermography results have been processed by using pulse phase thermography (PPT) approach. Also, the simulation of thermography testing procedure carried out by finite element modeling (FEM). Finally, the results of the experiment and finite element modeling have been compared and good accuracy has been obtained in step heating thermography and PPT algorithm.
Original languagePersian (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Pages (from-to)591-600
JournalJournal of Science and Technology of Composites
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Composite patches
  • Thermography
  • Disbond
  • Finite element modeling
  • Pulse phase thermography
  • Composite structures

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