Experimental benchmark and code validation for airfoils equipped with passive vortex generators

Daniel Baldacchino, M. M Manolesos, Carlos Simao Ferreira, A Gonzalez Salcedo, M. Aparicio, T. Chaviaropoulos, K. Diakakis, Liesbeth Florentie, M. Garcia, G Papadakis, N.N. Sorensen, Nando Timmer, N. Troldborg, S. Voutsinas, Alexander van Zuijlen

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Experimental results and complimentary computations for airfoils with vortex generators are compared in this paper, as part of an e_ort within the AVATAR project to develop tools for wind turbine blade control devices. Measurements from two airfoils equipped with passive vortex generators, a 30% thick DU97W300 and an 18% thick NTUA T18 have been used for benchmarking several simulation tools. These tools span low-to-high complexity, ranging from engineering-level integral boundary layer tools to fully-resolved computational uid dynamics codes. Results indicate that with appropriate calibration, engineering-type tools can capture the e_ects of vortex generators and outperform more complex tools. Fully resolved CFD comes at a much higher computational cost and does not necessarily capture the increased lift due to the VGs. However, in lieu of the limited experimental data available for calibration, high _delity tools are still required for assessing the e_ect of vortex generators on airfoil performance.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalPramana: journal of physics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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