Exploring Mathematics with Curvagon Tiles

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Building blocks and tiles are an excellent way of learning about geometry and mathematics in general. There are several versions of tiles that are either snapped together or connected with magnets that can be used to introduce topics like volume, tessellations, and Platonic solids. However, since these tiles are made of hard plastic, they are not very suitable for creating hyperbolic surfaces or shapes where the tiles need to bend. Curvagons are flexible regular polygon building blocks that allow you to quickly build anything from hyperbolic surfaces and tori to dinosaurs and shoes. They can be used to introduce mathematical concepts from Archimedean solids to Gauss-Bonnet theorem. You can also let your imagination run free and build whatever comes to mind.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Bridges 2022
Subtitle of host publicationMathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture
EditorsD. Reimann, D. Norton, E. Torrence
Place of PublicationPhoenix
PublisherTessellations Publishing
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)1099-6702
ISBN (Print)978-1-938664-42-7
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventBridges Aalto 2022: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Culture - Aalto University, Helsinki and Espoo, Finland
Duration: 1 Aug 20225 Aug 2022


ConferenceBridges Aalto 2022
CityHelsinki and Espoo


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