Exploring the influence of external actors on the cooperation in public–private project organizations for constructing infrastructure

Leonie Koops*, Marian Bosch-Rekveldt, Hans Bakker, Marcel Hertogh

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14 Citations (Scopus)
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Though different forms of public–private partnerships exist, in the organizational structure of most forms a public and a private project organization can be derived, resulting in two collaborating project organizations. The literature on project management however mostly considers one project organization. The literature on public–private partnerships considers the public part of the organization mostly as ‘the client’. This research focuses on the relationships between public and private organizations: the two collaborating project organizations, the relationship with their parent organizations, and with external actors. Exploratory interviews in three cases uncovered five mechanisms leading to tensions between project partners: ambiguity, conflict of interest, triangular relationships, unclear purpose and organizational context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)618-632
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Journal of Project Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2017


  • Case study
  • Parent organization
  • Project organization
  • Public–private collaboration
  • Relationships
  • Social networks


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