Fabrication of Low-Noise TES Arrays for the SAFARI Instrument on SPICA

M. L. Ridder*, P. Khosropanah, R. A. Hijmering, T. Suzuki, M. P. Bruijn, H. F C Hoevers, J. R. Gao, M. R. Zuiddam

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21 Citations (Scopus)


Ultra-low-noise transition edge sensors (TES) with noise equivalent power lower than 2 × 10- 19 W/Hz1 / 2 have been fabricated by SRON, which meet the sensitivity requirements for the far-infrared SAFARI instrument on space infrared telescope for cosmology and astrophysics. Our TES detector is based on a titanium/gold (Ti/Au) thermistor on a silicon nitride (SiN) island. The island is thermally linked with SiN legs to a silicon support structure at the bath temperature. The SiN legs are very thin (250 nm), narrow (500 nm), and long (above 300 μ m); these dimensions are needed in leg-isolated bolometers to achieve the required level of sensitivity. In this paper, we describe the latest fabrication process for our TES bolometers with improved sensitivity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-65
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Low Temperature Physics
Issue number1-2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2016


  • Bolometer
  • SiN membrane
  • Transition edge sensors


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