Finding what fits: Explorative self-experimentation for health behaviour change

A. Fedlmeier, M. Bruijnes, M. Bos-de Vos, M. Lemke, J.J. Kraal*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Changing a specific health behaviour can be highly com- plex and is often influenced by many personal, social, and environmental factors. Therefore, interventions that aim at behaviour change cannot be one-size-fits-all solutions, and no behaviour change technique is effective for everyone. One potential solution could be to support individuals in finding interventions through self-experimentation. This research explored the requirements for an explorative self- experimentation intervention and developed tools that sup- port users in the process, complementing developments in quantitative self-experimentation. Based on a research through design approach, we developed three different prototypes for supporting a change in health-related behaviour, which were used and evaluated by fourteen par- ticipants over a four-week period. A thematic analysis of interviews with participants led to seven themes, which can be used as a starting point when designing for explorative self-experimentation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-22
Number of pages22
JournalDesign for Health
Publication statusPublished - 2022


This research was funded by the Pride and Prejudice project by the 4TU federation under Grant No. 4TU-UIT-346.


  • research through design
  • behaviour change
  • self- experimentation
  • human- centred design


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