Foundational Aspects for Incorporating Dependencies in Copula-Based Bayesian Networks Using Structured Expert Judgments, Exemplified by the Ice Sheet–Sea Level Rise Elicitation

Dorota Kurowicka*, Willy Aspinall, Roger Cooke

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The work presented here marks a further advance in expert uncertainty quantification. In a recent probabilistic evaluation of ice sheet process contributions to sea level rise, tail dependence was elicited and propagated through an uncertainty analysis for the first time. The elicited correlations and tail dependencies concerned pairings of three processes: Accumulation, Discharge and Run-off, which operate on major ice sheets in the West and East Antarctic and in Greenland. The elicitation enumerated dependencies between these processes under selected global temperature change scenarios over different future time horizons. These expert judgments allowed us to populate a Paired Copula Bayesian network model to obtain the estimated contributions of these ice sheets for future sea level rise. Including positive central tendency dependence and tail dependence increases the fatness of the upper tails of projected sea level rise distributions, an amplification important for designing and evaluating possible mitigation strategies. Detailing and jointly computing distributional dependencies and tail dependencies can be crucial components of good practice for assessing the influence of uncertainties on extreme values when modelling stochastic multifactorial processes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number949
Number of pages17
JournalEntropy: international and interdisciplinary journal of entropy and information studies
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • expert judgment
  • Bayesian networks
  • copulas


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