Frequency-domain stability methods for reset control systems

Ali Ahmadi Dastjerdi, Alessandro Astolfi, S. Hassan HosseinNia*

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Reset controllers have the potential to enhance the performance of high-precision industrial motion systems. However, similar to other non-linear controllers, the stability analysis for these controllers is complex and often requires parametric model of the system, which may hinder their applicability. In this paper a frequency-domain approach for assessing stability properties of control systems with first and second order reset elements is developed. The proposed approach is also able to determine uniformly bounded-input bounded-state (UBIBS) property for reset control systems in the case of resetting to non-zero values. An illustrative example to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in using frequency response measurements to assess stability properties of reset control systems is presented.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110737
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Frequency-domain
  • H condition
  • Reset controllers
  • Stability


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