Geobacter sulfurreducens microcolony growth and its single bionanowire conductivity: On potential and growth

C.J. Blom

Research output: ThesisDissertation (TU Delft)

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The long-range electron transport of exoelectrogenic bacterium G. sulfurreducens
was recently discovered to be facilitated by a network of conductive protein wires. In
chapter 1 we provide an overview of our current understanding of these protein wires.
This newly discovered feature of the model organism for microbial fuel cells may provide
new avenues for optimization of biological power generation.

In particular a characterization of the wires’ effect on biofilm formation could pro-
vide approaches for increasing biofilm thickness and current density. Peripheral cells
may depend more heavily on inner cells’ properties than previously thought, since they
are required to utilize the inner cells’ conductive wires for electron transport to the elec-
tron acceptor. Such an effect is expected to be most visible in the early stages of biofilm
formation where independent single cells grow to interdependent cells in microcolonies.
Studies of early G. sulfurreducens microcolony growth are complicated by the toxic effect
of oxygen on growth.

In chapter 2 we describe a method for observing G. sulfurreducens early microcolony
growth under agar pads. We show the method is able to spatially and temporally describe
growth of single G. sulfurreducens cells into microcolonies and is able to discern differ-
ences between strains with or without wires. However, the significant variation in micro-
colony surface area between pads showed the method’s lack in reproducibility. Future
work should focus on maintaining equally anaerobic conditions between pads.
In addition to the potential for improving biological power generation, the poorly
understood electron transport mechanism potentially defines a hitherto unknown class
of electron transport proteins. Particularly the long range mechanism for efficient bio-
logical electron transport remains poorly understood. Some studies support the known
mechanism of hopping along cytochromes, yet other studies in cytochrome-denaturing
conditions show conductivity is maintained. Complicating full understanding further is
the fact that most of these studies use conventional techniques for measuring biological
electron transport, which happen to measure in bulk. To model an unknown mecha-
nism of electron transport depends on well-defined systems, such as a single nanowire
rather than an entire biofilm.

In chapter 3 we describe a novel method for making electrical contact with such
single nanowires. Using a stochastic deposition method, passive voltage imaging and
atomic force microscopy we visually confirm and make electrical contact with single
nanowires. We describe optimization of the sample preparation and chip design show-
ing that chemically untreated samples performed best, while an interdigitated chip de-
sign improved the chances of making contact. Ultimately we demonstrate the abil-
ity to manipulate temperature, providing valuable characterization of the temperature-
dependence of nanowires conductivity.

In chapter 4 we apply this method to characterize the conductive properties of single
nanowires. Current-voltage curves showed conductances in orders of magnitudes from
10−13 S up to 10−6 S. Measurements at varying temperatures identified activation ener-
gies from 0.36 eV to 0.41 eV. Arrhenius plots displayed features corresponding to a simple
model where electron transport rate was limited by injection barriers as well as a model
where electron transport rate is limited by intramolecular hopping. Future modeling is
required to fully describe the electron transport.

In chapter 5 we demonstrate the flexibility of the wire deposition method by mea-
suring another type of conductive biological wire. Cable bacteria are able to facilitate
electron transport along their cell membranes across several millimeters. We image suc-
cessful deposition of cable bacteria bundles and measure their conductance. Current-
voltage curves showed conductance in the orders of magnitude from 10^−10 S to 10^−7 S.
These initial proof-of-principle measurements can be followed up by further character-
ization of this poorly understood method of long-range biological electron transport.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Delft University of Technology
  • van der Zant, H.S.J., Supervisor
  • Laan, L., Supervisor
Award date20 Jun 2024
Print ISBNs978-94-6473-521-5
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Biophysics
  • Microscopy
  • Biofilm structure


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