Glass Transitions in Complex Bituminous Binders [PPT]

P. Apostolidis, Laurent Porot, Michael Elwardany, Stefan Vansteenkiste, Emmanuel Chailleux

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The RILEM TC 272 PIM (Phase and Interphase behaviour of innovative bituminous Materials) – TG1 Binder has initiated an inter-laboratory program investigating the phase and interphase behaviour of bituminous binders. Five laboratories evaluated the low temperature properties of seven standard and complex binders with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC has been accepted as a powerful tool to evaluate, among others, the glass transitions, Tg, monitoring the endothermic or exothermic heat flow of a material under controlled temperature conditions. There are different ways to run the test, conventional temperature linear-DSC (TL-DSC), and temperature modulation-DSC (TM-DSC). The latter has been proven as an efficient method differentiating the structural relaxation phenomena from the heat capacity. In this study, emphasis was laid on comparing the Tg measured by TL- and TM-DSC improving the interpretation of binder glass transitions. To restrain the scope of this study, two SBS polymer modified binders (PmBs), a commercially available PmB and an highly modified PmB (7.5 % SBS) , were evaluated and compared with two neat bituminous binders. It was observed that the modification by 7.5% SBS resulted in a decrease of the Tg. This reduction of Tg reflects the positive influence of SBS at low temperatures.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event57th Petersen Asphalt Research Conference - Vitrual event
Duration: 13 Jul 202014 Jul 2020


Conference57th Petersen Asphalt Research Conference
Internet address


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