Guiding the PhD in design: Experiences from six programs

P.J. Stappers, Carlos Teixeira, Lucia Rampino, Weston Baxter, Sampsa Hyysalo, Jonathan Chapman

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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In the DoCS4Design project, six established PhD programmes in design pooled and compared the diversity in their practices in guiding PhDs (e.g., 3- or 4-year programmes, small or large amounts of formal education, small or large numbers of staff and students). Panelists from the six programmes discussed these differences to- gether with 60 conference participants. Starting from a review of practices at the six programmes (the ‘Map & Glossary’), the conversation covered several themes: strate- gic and institutional aspects of the PhD programs, logistical and administrative aspects of these programs, and fundamentally: how (diversely) do we define what is the PhD in Design. The conversation then explored how the programs, DRS and other design organizations could be more effective in supporting PhD students, advisors, and pro- grammes, and deal with new requirements, e.g., toward more interdisciplinary and more international experience, and preparing PhD students to take leadership in re- search teams more than being solitary researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDRS2022
PublisherDesign Research Society
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventDesign Research Society Conference - Bilbao
Duration: 27 Jun 20223 Jul 2022


ConferenceDesign Research Society Conference
Abbreviated title2022


  • Doctoral Education
  • PhD in Design
  • Graduate School


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