Hedging error as generalized timing risk

J. Akahori, F. Barsotti*, Y. Imamura

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This paper introduces a methodology to disentangle the hedging error associated with the hedging of exotic derivatives, whose payment time is unknown at inception. We derive the mathematical representation for a one-dimensional setting: we identify and characterize the hedging error and discuss the economic intuition of hedging error as a generalized timing risk. We then provide its mathematical integral representation to: (i) disentangle the hedging error into a specific set of positions in barrier options, (ii) re-iterate the procedure to the second order to reduce the hedging error cost. We provide an illustrative example via a dedicated numerical study. From a theoretical point of view, this paper states the foundations for future extensions in the directions of: (i) building a general multidimensional framework, (ii) re-iterating the procedure to higher orders, (iii) investigate the bridge with advanced analytics methodologies and techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)693-703
Number of pages11
JournalQuantitative Finance
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Barrier options
  • Hedging error
  • Semi-static hedge
  • Timing risk


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