Highly tuneable hole quantum dots in Ge-Si core-shell nanowires

Matthias Brauns*, Joost Ridderbos, Ang Li, Wilfred G. Van Der Wiel, Erik P.A.M. Bakkers, Floris A. Zwanenburg

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    We define single quantum dots of lengths varying from 60 nm up to nearly half a micron in Ge-Si core-shell nanowires. The charging energies scale inversely with the quantum dot length between 18 and 4 meV. Subsequently, we split up a long dot into a double quantum dot with a separate control over the tunnel couplings and the electrochemical potential of each dot. Both single and double quantum dot configurations prove to be very stable and show excellent control over the electrostatic environment of the dots, making this system a highly versatile platform for spin-based quantum computing.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number143113
    JournalApplied Physics Letters
    Issue number14
    Publication statusPublished - 3 Oct 2016


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