Homogeneous low-crested structures for beach protection in coral reef areas

Josep R. Medina, M. Esther Gómez-Martín, Patricia Mares-Nasarre, Mireille Escudero, Itxaso Odériz, Edgar Mendoza, Rodolfo Silva

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleScientificpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


In many countries, the health of the marine ecosystems and the sun-sand-sea tourism depend on the coral reefs, which have been retreating around the world during the last decades. Homogeneous Low-Crested Structures (HLCS), made of large rocks or pre-cast concrete units, can be placed to mimic the functions of beach protection and eventually serve as a refuge for species. HLCS is a type of multi-purpose green infrastructure which is functionally similar to conventional low-crested structures but have higher porosity and are more easily dismantled for re-use. Contrary to conventional low-crested structures, the functionality of HLCS protecting beaches depends on the selected placement grid; this paper describes physical and numerical placement tests on horizontal bottom used to characterize the layers coefficients of Cubipod® HLCS. The Bullet Physic Engine (BPE) numerical model used in the gaming industry, which is based on the rigid body method, is calibrated using the physical placement tests. The layer coefficients of Cubipod® HLCS measured in the physical placement tests were similar to those obtained with the BPE numerical model, which could be used to optimize placement grids of HLCS on specific sea bottom conditions. Finally, the influence of the placement grid of Cubipod® HLCS on the structure height, crest freeboard and wave transmission is analyzed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalProceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference
Issue number2020
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes
Event2020 Virtual International Conference on Coastal Engineering, vICCE 2020 - Virtual, Online, Australia
Duration: 6 Oct 20209 Oct 2020


  • Armor units
  • Coral reefs
  • Cubipod
  • Layer coefficient
  • Low-crested structures
  • Placement grid
  • Rigid body method
  • Wave transmission


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