Hybrid operational modal analysis of an operative two-bladed offshore wind turbine

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As with any strategic structure, vibration-based structural health monitoring techniques are often used to ensure the structurally safe operation of offshore wind turbines. Among such techniques, Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) methods allow the identification of modal properties, such as natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping, which variation might be caused by damage or operational/environmental factors. This paper investigates the application of OMA techniques on a two-bladed offshore wind turbine, which poses multiple challenges: fundamental OMA assumptions about the applied loads are violated by environmental and operational loads; the closely spaced modes of an offshore wind turbine are hard to identify; and an operative two-bladed offshore wind turbine is a time-variant system. Within this study, three OMA procedures to overcome some of the preceding challenges are discussed: (1) a standard frequency domain decomposition method; (2) a proposed enhanced transmissibility-based approach with a post-processing technique based on the Kurtosis index; and (3) a proposed refined hybrid OMA procedure that combines a transmissibility-based approach, the dedicated post-processing technique based on the Kurtosis index, and the frequency domain decomposition method. A numerical model representative of an operative two-bladed offshore wind turbine is used to compare the three procedures. Based on the comparison, the hybrid method is proven to be a promising new OMA-based procedure that outperforms the stand-alone transmissibility-based approach and the frequency domain decomposition method in identifying the modal properties of a two-bladed offshore wind turbine.

Original languageEnglish
Article number111822
Number of pages21
JournalMechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Frequency domain decomposition
  • Kurtosis value
  • Modal properties
  • Power spectral density transmissibility


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