Identifying critical elements in sewer networks using graph-theory

Didrik Meijer*, Marco van Bijnen, Jeroen Langeveld, Hans Korving, Johan Post, François Clemens

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Underground water infrastructure is essential for life in cities. The aging of these infrastructures requires maintenance strategies to maintain a minimum service level. Not all elements are equally important for the functioning of the infrastructure as a whole. Identifying the most critical elements in a network is crucial for formulating asset management strategies. The graph theory is presented as a means to identify the most critical elements in a network with respect to malfunctioning of the system as a whole. As opposed to conventional methods, the proposed method does not rely on iterative hydraulic calculations; instead, the structure of the network is taken as a starting point. In contrast to methods applied in practise, the results are independent on the chosen test-load. Because of the limited calculation effort, the method allows the analysis of large networks that are now, for practical reasons, beyond the scope of methods applied so-far.

Original languageEnglish
Article number136
Number of pages28
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • 1D-networks
  • Asset management
  • Critical sewers
  • Graph-theory
  • Sewer systems
  • OA-Fund TU Delft


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