Identifying interventions for responsible innovation: The sociotechnical value map

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeChapterProfessional

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TThis chapter presents the sociotechnical value map (STVM) as a method to
map out values in a sociotechnical system. To identify these values, the publics
that are or can be related to a given technology must be traced. The STVM
combines elements from evolutionary theory of technology development and
value sensitive design (VSD). It consists of the following steps: first, the relevant
societal stakeholders are identified; second, VSD helps us design values into
a technology. These findings allow us to reconstruct a sociotechnical public.
The chapter examines the elements that make up a STVM, and its underlying
theoretical considerations. It concludes by a short discussion on the benefits
and shortcomings of the method, and on the reception of students.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTeaching Design For Values
Subtitle of host publicationConcepts, Tools & Practices
EditorsRoberto Rocco, Amy Thomas, María Novas-Ferradás
PublisherTU Delft OPEN Publishing
ISBN (Electronic)978-94-6366-635-0
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Sociotechnical value map
  • value sensitive design
  • responsible research and innovation
  • responsible innovation systems
  • sociotechnical system

Thematic collaboration

  • Delft Design for Values Institute


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