In Common IV: Collective Spaces

Javier Arpa (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook editingProfessional


This issue is part 4 of In Common, a special series on collective spaces.

In a context governed by mobility and centers of consumerism, operations carried out within the urban fabric are exercises bordering on the heroic. In a society where fear of the Other prevails over desire for interaction, and where closed, protected spaces are invading the public domain, it becomes more and more difficult to create open-air places of encounter.

The importance of the series In common, hence, lies in the selection of projects, both right in urban cores and in outskirts, where the merging of architecture and landscaping has yielded encouraging results.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationVitoria-Gasteiz
Publishera+t architecture publishers
Number of pages160
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

Namea+t magazine
Publishera+t architecture publishers
ISSN (Print)1132-6409


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