Intelligibility predictor and applications thereof

CH Taal (Inventor), RC Hendriks (Inventor), R Heusdens (Inventor), U Kjems (Inventor), J Jensen (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The application relates to a method of providing a speech intelligibility predictor value for estimating an average listener's ability to understand of a target speech signal when said target speech signal is subject to a processing algorithm and/or is received in a noisy environment. The application further relates to a method of improving a listener's understanding of a target speech signal in a noisy environment and to corresponding device units. The object of the present application is to provide an alternative objective intelligibility measure, e.g. a measure that is suitable for use in a time-frequency environment. The invention may e.g. be used in audio processing systems, e.g. listening systems, e.g. hearing aid systems.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2011/0224976
Priority date15/09/11
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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