Introduction of epoxy modified bitumen in The Netherlands

Robbert Naus, Wais Zegard, P. Apostolidis

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review


Epoxy modification of bitumen leads to improved binder properties e.g. good fatigue performance, improved adhesion to mineral aggregates and excellent aging resistance. It already exists over 50 years and since then it has successfully been applied on many orthotropic steel bridge decks around the world. After an OECD research program on long life pavements, New Zealand decided to modify their open graded porous asphalt mixtures. Since the first field trial in 2007, more than 700.000 square meters in New Zealand have been paved with porous asphalt containing epoxy modified bitumen. In 2017, Delft University of Technology, province of Noord-Holland and Dura Vermeer started a joint fundamental research program to investigate the possibilities of epoxy modified bitumen in The Netherlands. During this program, extensive laboratory testing on various scales of epoxy modified bituminous materials (i.e., binder, mortar and mixture) has been performed using sophisticated testing tools. In addition, to explore the practical aspects of epoxy modification, Dura Vermeer formed a joint proof-of-concept program with six innovative municipalities to build and monitor trial pavement sections. Experiences are continuously exchanged between the two programs. This paper briefly describes the outcome of the laboratory research and focuses on the trial pavement sections. It reports on the implementation of epoxy modified bitumen from research to its introduction in The Netherlands.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 7th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress
PublisherFoundation Eurasphalt
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9789080288478
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event7th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress - Virtual event
Duration: 15 Jun 202117 Jun 2021


Conference7th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress
CityVirtual event
Internet address


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