Investigating the annual performance of air-based collectors and novel bi-fluid based PV-thermal system

Zain Ul-Abdin*, Miro Zeman, Olindo Isabella, Rudi Santbergen

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This paper presents dynamic air-based models of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collector. The models are developed with the aim of estimating the temperature of the collector components and therefore of estimating the annual generation of electrical energy and thermal energy outputs, by using actual climate data of six different cities based on Köppen-Geiger-Photovoltaic (KGPV) climate zones. The results show that the unglazed type collector has the best PV cooling while the dual channel collector has the best air heating among air-based PVT collectors. The results also indicate that the use of additional fluid enhances both electrical and thermal performance. The dynamic models are validated by comparison with results found in the literature. The paper also discusses a novel bi-fluid PVT system combined with a storage tank and an H-infinity based robust controller that can handle uncertainties. The results of the bi-fluid system show that the fraction of energy demand covered by the system is highly dependent on climate conditions and the collector's surface area. It was found that for a small-scale house (standard for four people), the proposed system can cover more than 70% annual domestic hot water demand for cities with high solar irradiance and 32% for a city with low solar irradiance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112687
Number of pages20
JournalSolar Energy
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Air-based heating collectors
  • Bi-fluid heating collector
  • Modeling
  • Robust controller
  • Solar photovoltaic-thermal (PVT)


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