"Is this alive?": Towards a vocabulary for understanding and communicating living material experiences

H. Ertürkan, E. Karana, R. Mugge

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedings/Edited volumeConference contributionScientificpeer-review

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Living materials are a nascent material class where living organisms are embedded and kept alive in the design outcome to achieve novel functionalities, expressions, and interactions. Experiential characterisation studies with potential endusers will provide insights for developing these novel materials for meaningful material
applications. Nevertheless, the current literature lacks a vocabulary to communicate and discuss living materials in user studies. To bridge this gap, our paper presents the development of a “Living Materials Vocabulary” consisting of 45 descriptive items. Through a term frequency analysis of relevant literature and in-depth interviews with
eight biodesigners, we identified a set of descriptions which we clustered under five
themes: origin, making, agency and autonomy, temporality, and impact of living materials. We selected representative items from these themes to compile our final vocabulary. We discuss how our vocabulary can be operationalised in living material characterisation studies and further inspire future biodesign practice
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Design Research Society International Conference (DRS2022), Bilbao
EditorsD. Lockton, S.L. Lenzi, P.P.M. Hekkert, A. Oak, J. Sadaba, P.A. Lloyd
PublisherDesign Research Society
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-91229-457-2
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventDRS 2022 - Bilbao, Spain
Duration: 25 Jun 20223 Jul 2022

Publication series

NameDRS International Biennial Conference Series
ISSN (Electronic)2398-3132


ConferenceDRS 2022
Internet address


  • biodesign
  • living materials
  • design tools
  • materials experience


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