Kaumera Methods Manual: A comprehensive guide to lab extraction and characterization methods for extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)

Research output: Book/ReportReportScientific

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Kaumera are extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from excess aerobic granular sludge from Nereda® wastewater treatment plants. Kaumera exhibits significant market potential across diverse applications, fostering rapid research and business development. Furthermore, it will begin to be extracted from numerous installations worldwide. This calls for standard methods as analogue to (waste)water and sludge characterization.

Due to lack of standardization, stakeholders are currently using different extraction and characterization protocols, impeding the development of a more uniform product and comparison of results across research studies. To address this, this report compiles the standard protocol for Kaumera extraction in the laboratory and for on-site and lab characterization to be used by researchers, the public Dutch water authorities, and the private industry. The procedures detailed in this document are in accordance with EPS research conducted at TU Delft and methodologies employed in Kaumera production facilities.

This report aids in monitoring Kaumera characteristics worldwide and for optimizing the extraction process (including up and downstream processing). This will help maximize repeatability, interoperability, and quality and therefore accelerate business and research development, paving the way to develop a product that meets the needs of the endusers. Through the widespread adoption of this manual, our aim is to foster greater coordination and collaboration among stakeholders, thereby expediting the realization of Kaumera's full potential.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDelft University of Technology
Number of pages106
ISBN (Electronic)978-94-6384-564-9
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • extracellular polymeric substances: EPS
  • Kaumera
  • waste water
  • characterization protocols


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