LADM Valuation Information Model Compliant Prototype for Visualisation and Dissemination of 3D Valuation Units and Groups

A. Kara, P.J.M. van Oosterom, Ruud Kathmann, Azer Ilgar , Christiaan Lemmen

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The interest in using 3D data in property valuation has been increasing during the last decade. The usage of 3D data models in valuation can be basically grouped in two main categories: (a) supporting mathematical models with variables produced through 3D analyses (e.g. view) in order to better estimate the values of properties and (b) consuming 3D data models to visualise valuation units in 3D and disseminate values of properties associated with the visualised units (legal or physical space). The current paper focuses on the latter category in particular.
The main purpose of this paper is to develop a prototype system utilising the proposed Valuation Information Model extension of ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM_VM) compliant dataset in order to create web-based, thematic valuation maps for 3D valuation units (e.g. condominium) and groups (e.g. multi-occupied building). In the first part of the paper, it is attempted to justify why an extension to the core LADM is required to represent valuation information. It is noted that LADM_VM enables to record 3D spaces of valuation units, and input and output data of 3D analyses. Therefore, LADM_VM can be used as basis for developing 3D visualisation and dissemination prototype. In the second part of the paper, special attention will be given to the 3D visualisation and dissemination of spatial, thematic and temporal characteristics of valuation information and a prototype is developed using the open datasets of the Netherlands.
It is expected that the outputs of this paper will contribute to the development of local or national prototype systems for sharing valuation information effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it may be considered that the outputs of the paper not supports in increasing the communication level with public, but also supports politicians and planners in decision-making processes and helping them to understand the property market better. With the proposed system (prototype) the trust in the valuation is expected to further increase due to the high level of transparency.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Event10th International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 31 Mar 20222 Apr 2022
Conference number: 10


Conference10th International FIG workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model
Abbreviated titleLADM2022
Internet address


  • Property valuation
  • ISO 19152
  • Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)
  • Valuation Information Model
  • 3D visualization, Dissemination


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