Large-deformation crystal plasticity simulation of microstructure and microtexture evolution through adaptive remeshing

Karo Sedighiani*, Vitesh Shah, Konstantina Traka, Martin Diehl, Franz Roters, Jilt Sietsma, Dierk Raabe

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The capability of high-resolution modeling of crystals subjected to large plastic strain is essential in predicting many important phenomena occurring in polycrystalline materials, such as microstructure, deformation localization and in-grain texture evolution. However, due to the heterogeneity of the plastic deformation in polycrystals, the simulation mesh gets distorted during the deformation. This mesh distortion deteriorates the accuracy of the results, and after reaching high local strain levels, it is no longer possible to continue the simulation. In this work, two different adaptive remeshing approaches are introduced for simulating large deformation of 3D polycrystals with high resolution under periodic boundary conditions. In the first approach, a new geometry with a new mesh is created, and then the simulation is restarted as a new simulation in which the initial state is set based on the last deformation state that had been reached. In the second approach, the mesh is smoothened by removing the distortion part of the deformation, and then the simulation is continued after finding a new equilibrium state for the smoothed mesh and geometry. The first method is highly efficient for conducting high-resolution large-deformation simulations. On the other hand, the second method's primary advantage is that it can overcome periodicity issues related to shear loading, and it can be used in conjunction with complex loading conditions. The merits of the methodologies are demonstrated using full-field simulations performed using a dislocation-density-based crystal plasticity model for Interstitial free (IF-) steel. Particular emphasis is put on studying the effect of resolution and adaptive meshing. The algorithms presented have been implemented into the free and open-source software package, DAMASK (Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit).

Original languageEnglish
Article number103078
Number of pages21
JournalInternational Journal of Plasticity
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • Adaptive meshing
  • Crystal plasticity
  • Finite element method
  • Large deformation
  • Microstructure evolution
  • Spectral method


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