Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbines wakes including geometrical effects

P. Benard, Axelle Viré, V. Moureau, G. Lartigue, L. Beaudet, P Deglaire, L Bricteux

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Accurate simulation of wind turbine wakes is critical for the optimization of turbine efficiency and prediction of fatigue loads. These wakes are three-dimensional, complex, unsteady and can evolve in geometrically complex environments. Modeling these flows calls thus for high-quality numerical methods that are able to capture and transport thin vortical structures on an unstructured grid. It is proposed here to assess the performances of a fourth-order finite-volume LES solver to perform massively parallel scale-resolving simulations of wind turbines wakes. In this framework, the actuator line method that takes the effect of the wind turbine blades on the flow into account is implemented. It is demonstrated that both near and far parts of the turbine wakes are accurately modeled as well as geometrical details. The methodology is assessed on two different test cases and validated with experimental results. It is demonstrated that the flow predictions are of equivalent quality on both structured and unstructured grids. The influence of the geometrical details (e.g. nacelle and tower) on the wake development as well as the influence of the discretization scheme are also investigated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)133-139
Number of pages13
JournalComputers & Fluids
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Wind turbine
  • Wakes
  • Large-Eddy Simulation
  • Actuator line


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